Friday, December 9, 2011

Briose cu mere si scortisoara

Mai e putin si vine Craciunul si cand ma gandesc la aceasta perioada imi vin in minte doua lucruri: mere coapte si scortisoara.

Asa ca azi m-am gandit sa incerc sa fac briose cu mere si scortisoara. M-am ghidat dupa una dintre retetele prietenei mele Ruxi, care a facut briose cu morcovi si nuca ( ).

INGREDIENTE pentru 10-12 bucati:
3 oua mai mici
130 g zahar
2 plicuri zahar vanilat Bourbon
120 ml ulei de floarea soarelui
180 g faina
1 lingurita praf de copt cu sofran
1 lingurita bicarbonat de sodiu - eu am pus 1/2 lingurita bicarbonat de amoniu stins in putin lapfte
1/4 lingurita sare
125 g mare rase
30g migdale macinate
1 lingurita scortisoara

Ouale, zaharul si zaharul vanilat se bat timp de cateva minute pana devine compozitia mai albicioasa si incepe sa faca "cute", ca atunci cand bateti albusurile spuma.

Se adauga uleiul treptat pana se incorporeaza, iar apoi se adauga bicarbonatul de amoniu stins in lapte.

Faina se amesteca impreuna cu sarea si praful de copt, apoi se incorporeaza in amestecul cu oua.
Se adauga merele rase, migdalele macinate, scortisoara si compozitia e gata.

In cuptorul incins in prealabil la 180 grade, se introduce tava in care ai turnat compozitia si se tine timp 20 de minute.

Iata si rezultatul!

Pentru tine ce miros are Craciunul?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

At the Beginning

I wanted for so long to paint, but I never found the time to start it. I remembered the days when I had art classes and I had so much fun painting. I wasn’t so bad, so I said to myself I should try it again.
After I gave birth to my first son, I decided now it’s the time to start painting. I had in mind the picture so I felt the need to put it on a canvas.
The “time” problem was solved, but it came the “what, how, where” problem. Oil or acrylic? I had no idea how to start. I began reading on internet.  But from where do I buy what I need?
The solution came sooner as I thought. My son and I were visiting his grandparents. While I was looking for a photo lab I discovered the Art Gallery. I went in and I knew that moment I had to buy what I need to start painting. So I did.
I bought my first canvas, a small one. I was afraid to start with a bigger one. I didn’t know how I would handle it. I bought oils. It was a set, so it was simpler than to start choosing shades.  I bought brushes, different sizes, turpentine, coal pen... etc.
When I got home I started a sketch.  I started painting the next days. It brought me so much joy seeing how the first painting takes shape.

And here’s the result:

At the Beginning, oil on canvas